I'm recapping 2023 one month at a time. This is October. I almost stepped on this gopher snake. I think it was hurt.
Bambi was in heat and acting goofy.
The tomatoes are still coming in. We haven't been even close to freezing yet.
The Superior Farmers Market welcomed the Burro Races.
Friends gave us lots of cull apples and the goats enjoyed them a lot.

I discovered I had a gas leak and spent a lot of time digging up the gas line through gnarly tree roots.
I discovered I had a gas leak and spent a lot of time digging up the gas line through gnarly tree roots.
Tink, the old cat.
Finally got the little raised beds ready to plant.
The spring pullets began to lay.
Digger destroyed the roof on his house.
The coyote comes right into the fence.
Digger goes crazy over the silliest things. In his defence I did find a dead mouse in his pen the next morning.
Another coyote sighting.
Storm really hurt herself. (she's fine now)