My Edible Garden

I've been gardening for most of my life and have been a devoted fan of organic gardening the whole time. It just makes so much more sense to work in harmony with Mother Nature than to fight her. Besides which it is better for the planet and better for our bodies. Here you can see what I'm planting and harvesting, with gardening hints and resources thrown in for good measure.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Harvest Monday

Eggplant, yellow zucchini and a lone tomato

Welcome to Harvest Monday, a lovely blog hop hosted by Dave over at Happy Acres Thanks Dave! This week's harvest is mighty thin in most areas.

Loads of Cucuzzi
There were some eggplants, a yellow zucchini and a lone tomato.The bulk of this weeks vegetables were the cucuzzi gourds. This is an edible gourd from Italy that I'm growing for the first time. So far I find it tastier than zucchini.

Esmarelda's milk production has exploded

I am not totally sure why Esmarelda's milk production has increased, perhaps slightly cooler weather combined with her kids being 5 months old and not nursing as much. 

Monday she was just half a pint short of a gallon

Tuesday night a gallon plus just over a pint

So I made the decision to start milking twice a day, to help keep her more comfortable and ward off possibilities of mastitis. She leaks slightly if she's too full and that increases the risk of mastitis.

fresh eggs

Egg production is still down, mostly the newest layers are giving me 5 a day. However I'm wondering if finding a diamondback in the big hen house has anything to do with no eggs from those girls for a couple weeks now.

 Nida's Peach

The peaches I harvested last week were getting soft ripe and delicious. Some of the bird pecked ones were beginning to rot so they went to the chickens. Most of the remainder went to my farmers market customers.

This weeks' totals (not including rots and gardener snacks)
Eggplant 1# 3 oz
Zucchini 1#
Cucuzzi 12# 4 oz
Peaches 5# 10 oz
Eggs 49
Bambi 42.5 pints or 5.75 gallons
Esmarelda 49 pints or 6 gallons + 1 pint

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