Wow, it’s July Already!
July 4, 2009 at 5:57 am
My how time has flown this year. I can’t believe it is already July, so much has been going on around here! With hotter weather and especially warmer nights things have really been putting on some growth.
This squash started out innocently enough, just a little sprout in the compost in the corner of the greenhouse bed…..I now believe it is an alien bent on taking over the garden!
Liberty said we had to grow pickles and so we are, here’s a couple still on the vine
Here’s the greenhouse from the other side. The big bushy plants in the tubs are huckleberries. I haven’t grown them before but they are doing very well, loaded with flowers and green fruit.
I just finished potting on some eggplants and peppers into these 2 1/2 gallon containers. The peppers are Rio Grande. The large leaved plant just behind the peppers is my little fig tree, growing from a cutting I took last fall. Behind everything are some of the potted potatoes.
A Delicata squash grown in a large tub. I love these little winter squash, they are very sweet and tasty. Much better than any acorn I’ve ever tried.
Purple de Milpa, a purple tomatillo from the Seed Saver’s Exchange.
On the patio the Trombocinno is taking off and so are the yard long beans.
A young Trombocinno squash
these “Snow White” tomatoes are certainly misnamed, tho they are sweet and juicy.
The Jicama have finally quit pouting and started growing now that is warmer.
The grey water filter tub is growing a good crop too. Kabocha squash, Elephant ears, canna lilly
A Moon & stars Heirloom watermelon seedling. This time of year nothing is safe from the birds and every little seedling has to be caged to keep them from being ripped up and eaten.
The King of the Garden Lima beans are still going at it. They are now 11 FEET tall!
Bloody Butcher corn is doing well. some of the popping sorghum and broom corn were wiped out in an afternoon when the chickens got loose, but there are still some plants left.
Looking along the driveway from the front steps, the bergamot is blooming, the grape vine thinks that everything is there just for it to climb on, like the apple tree.
This is a Blacktail Mountain watermelon. It’s one of the ones growing on the compost pile out back.
Here’s another little watermelon along with a cantaloupe. We would be much closer to eating cantaloupes except for the darn rodents that ate every single developing fruit! as well as munching on the vines. They are making a comeback now though.
Baby Blue Hubbard squash on their compost pile. They look a bit sad because I forgot to water them one day and when I got to them they were badly wilted. They are doing fine now though, with several small squash coming on.
Here’s one of those Baby Blues, next to the compost thermometer, which still registers 140 degrees. It actually went down to 130 but a good watering and it went up to 150, but has settled back down to 140 again.
We had a nice thunderstorm this evening and I spied this double rainbow when I went outside after the rain.

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