It just keeps on growing
July 15, 2009 at 3:51 pm
The warm nights especially have everything in a growth spurt. It’s beginning to look like a jungle around here!
An apple of unknown variety.
In spite of the earlier rodent attack, the cantaloupes on the compost pile are making a come back. This one will be ready soon.
A view of the back garden, with hollyhocks and sunflowers.
These are Polish Linquisa paste tomatoes. Almost ready for makin’ sauce!
That roque squash plant turns out to be a Kabocha.
A yard long bean. They do love the heat.
Double Yield cucumbers from are bloomin up a storm
Huckleberries. I’ve never grown this before. They are loaded with fruit and while it is black it doesn’t seem to be ready to pick yet.
The front yard grain patch. In the front the small seeded sunflowers are beginning to bloom. In the back ground the bloody butcher corn, popping sorhgum and broom corn.
This is the raspberry bed that was overseeded to buckwheat. I discovered I probably planted the buckwheat too thick and with the heat it was taking a lot of water to keep it from wilting. So I pulled it up, picked off a few ripe seeds and laid it back down, along with the wild sunflowers, as mulch for the raspberries. We will probably have more buckwheat and sunflowers later on when the monsoon gets around to giving up some rain.
The moon & stars watermelon plants are taking off and outgrowing their little cages.
No Vacancy. The new rabbit condo is full with our 4 does in place. When the weather cools off I’ll build another like it for the 2 bucks, which will also give me space to hold fryers over if I need to.
The greywater filter tub, with canna lilly, elephant ears and kabocha squash.
The Jicama are really taking off now that it is really hot. I just don’t know why the leaves are scorching like this.
More ‘maters. These are the Imur Prior Beta, nice 1 ounce fruits.
The yellow peppers are Rio Grande, with a nice mild heat. There are some green bells hiding in the back ground.

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