My Edible Garden

I've been gardening for most of my life and have been a devoted fan of organic gardening the whole time. It just makes so much more sense to work in harmony with Mother Nature than to fight her. Besides which it is better for the planet and better for our bodies. Here you can see what I'm planting and harvesting, with gardening hints and resources thrown in for good measure.

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Shopping Saturday 12/7/19

A pleasant surprise this morning to find one of the olive egger hens has laid an egg after a long break. 

And then another surprise, one of the Orpington girls laid her first egg.  

I spent some time turning compost, spreading fresh bedding and cutting up an old pallet for fire wood. 

And then I went shopping. Special employee discount weekend so I stocked up on feed and bedding. I needed to replace a gas hose on my burner but we didn’t have the right size. But there was another burner on clearance that was actually cheaper than a new gas line. (Isn’t that crazy?). And yup, I got a meat grinder with the sausage attachment. Got a new shirt too. 

Maremma on guard. 

#100daysofappreciation I just love this dog. He’s funny. He is not a super hyper dog, tho he is excited to have company, especially kids that will pet him. He’s not food  motivated. No prey drive so no fetch or chase the ball or anything like that. I’ve owned a dog almost my whole life, starting when I was 5 years old. Giotto is so totally different than any dog I’ve ever owned before, it’s like he’s a totally different animal. Oh for sure he can be exasperating. He can dig 110 pound dog size holes probably as fast as a bulldozer but he’s never done it to go under the fence. Don’t get in his way if he’s after something, he’s liable to knock you down just brushing up against you as he runs. Yet he’s never tried to jump or climb over the fence   He knows the only way through a fence is through the gate, so he waits for the naive visitor to come along, the one that doesn’t know his tricks. The one that doesn’t carefully open the gate just enough to squeeze through, while carefully blocking the gap with their body and never turning loose of the gate, never letting it swing all the way open. Yep that’s when he rushes up, sniffs the person then takes off like a flash. Oh he comes home in an hour or so, after he’s checked out all the coyote trails, tired and thirsty and ready for a nap. 

He’s so funny when I have jerky or bacon, the only things that might motivate him to doing something he doesn’t really want to do. He has a funny little smiley face he makes as he sits at my feet waiting for his bite. 

If he thinks dinner is late he pokes me with a big paw. I get that big paw when he just wants his ears scratched too. 

And I do totally appreciate the work he does. He barks off hawks, owls,coyotes, bobcats, javalina, raccoons, skunks, deer and other things that go bump in the night. 

I just love that big ol dog. 

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