bean plants running July 20, 2011 |
Well the Hopi Purple Pod Beans are beginning to run up the trellis. It will soon be a wall of green. Then later it will have pretty flowers and purple beans. Can't wait, though I anticipate that the first beans will appear while I am gone on vacation.
Potato Plants July 20, 2011 |
The potato plants are doing well, even a few little flower buds are visible.
Rain water tank |
This is my rain water tank. During the bad storm July 4th it filled half way full of water, rolled off the bricks it was sitting on. I've been climbing around it since then, since I can't budge it. I have to siphon the water out and get it empty so I can set it up again. It holds about 150 gallons and is still half full. Just one of those things I haven't gotten around to yet.
Another project I need to get on with is getting the whole house guttered and getting more water tanks. I was talking to someone about rain water catchment awhile back and they didn't think it would be worth their while to do it at their house. I pointed out that if it rains 1", then you will collect a little over half a gallon of water from every square foot of roof area. So if you have 1,000 square feet of roof area, then for every one inch of rainfall, you will collect over 500 gallons of water.
My rain tank is an old fertigator tank given to me by a friend when they were moving out of state. There are many types and styles of tanks available now. My advice is to buy as many and as big as possible.Of course you can start small like I am and then buy more tanks as money allows. I've collected a few links for you if you are interested in rain water harvesting.
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