My Edible Garden

I've been gardening for most of my life and have been a devoted fan of organic gardening the whole time. It just makes so much more sense to work in harmony with Mother Nature than to fight her. Besides which it is better for the planet and better for our bodies. Here you can see what I'm planting and harvesting, with gardening hints and resources thrown in for good measure.

Monday, September 2, 2024

Harvest Monday

Giant Cucuzzi 

Harvests this week were pretty thin. However the cucuzzi, an edible gourd from Italy is trying to make up for other things. This is the first year I have grown and eaten cucuzzi and it is a bit different from squashes. No one wanted to buy this giant at the farmers market so I cut into it when I got home. Most of the seeds in the top half were still pretty small and soft, getting bigger and harder towards the bottom. The flavor was stronger than the small one I tasted before (although I still can't describe the taste!). Since I was tired and not really in cooking mode I cut it up and took some to the goats. Only one wanted some, but it was my silly girl that eats anything. So I gave the rest to some chickens and they ate it up.

Green Knight eggplant

The eggplants are still coming in pretty good. I mostly ended up with Green Knight, but also have some other colors, having planted several different mixtures of Japanese eggplant. 
eggplant harvest

harvest 8/30

Ready for the farmers market

the giant cucuzzi

It has been cooler and dryer this past week and I have had a hard time keeping up on watering, especially things in smaller pots.

One garden with a lot of tomato plants has some dead and dying plants in it. It's possibly from root knot nematodes or perhaps just not enough water. I really need to get out and do some maintenence but it's been really hard when it's hot and the UV is really high. I just can't work in the direct sun, even if it's under 100F. 

This weeks harvest totals
cucuzzi 6# 11 oz
Eggplant 2# 4.5 oz
Tomatoes 2# 4 oz
Bambi 7.5 gallons
Esmarelda 4 gallons, 7 pints
AND she's still feeding triplets
eggs 5 dozen

Thanks for stopping by! I hope all your harvests are wonderful. Thanks to Dave at Happy Acres for hosting the blog hop. So much fun to see what other folks are doing and to 'visit' other gardens and gardeners, even if it isn't in person.

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