My Edible Garden

I've been gardening for most of my life and have been a devoted fan of organic gardening the whole time. It just makes so much more sense to work in harmony with Mother Nature than to fight her. Besides which it is better for the planet and better for our bodies. Here you can see what I'm planting and harvesting, with gardening hints and resources thrown in for good measure.

Saturday, March 13, 2021

What a Week!

Egg production is way up cuz, you know, it’s spring. Loving the colors this year. 

Spent a lot of time watching Posie have what seemed like early labor, even making me think more than once that pushing would start any minute. Then she’d get up and eat hay. My friend and I joked she was holding out for the snowstorm predicted for Friday night. 

Her due date March 9th came and went. 

I thought she would literally pop. She seemed pretty serious on Thursday night. And then it quit again. They were forecasting rain Friday morning with rain and snow showers Friday night and Saturday morning. And the wind was blowing like crazy. 

So I bought a new, bigger tarp and buttoned up the pen the best I could, leaving a little window for her to see out. 

A lot of Friday looked like the rest of the week but more intense. Paw up a nest, lay down about a minute then get up, pee, eat hay and do it all over again. Finally about mid afternoon some strings of mucus appeared. 
The sun came out in the afternoon and I hoped she’d speed things up. But nope. Didn’t get really busy until about 930 when the pushing finally started. Or corse it’s a little difficult to push a kid through a chain link panel. The little white lumps in the sac are the kids front feet. 

But she moved just enough and this cute little girl was born. Posie was a great mom and cleaned her up good. I helped with a towel just because it was so cold   And it was snowing!

And then she had this big boy. 

It took a few minutes to get them dried off. 

In about 30 minutes they were up and ready to eat. I put sweaters on them to help keep them warm because the wind was so cold. 

The little boy had wobbly legs so this morning he got a vitamin shot to help. I gave Posie one too just to help her recover and so some of the vitamins would go into her milk too. 

Today everyone is doing good, all their plumbing is working correctly and they seem to be eating well. I weighed them today. The buck weighs 11 pounds and the doe weighs 8.5. Me, I’m exhausted. 

Today I’m appreciating that everything went pretty smoothly, I didn’t have to do any real intervention and everyone seems to be doing good. And nothing on the planet is as cute as a baby goat. 

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