My Edible Garden

I've been gardening for most of my life and have been a devoted fan of organic gardening the whole time. It just makes so much more sense to work in harmony with Mother Nature than to fight her. Besides which it is better for the planet and better for our bodies. Here you can see what I'm planting and harvesting, with gardening hints and resources thrown in for good measure.

Sunday, July 17, 2022

Damage Control and more

First up feed little goat 

And admire his brother and give all the goats some hay.  Now time to get busy taking care of things torn up by the storm last night. 

Oops tarp came loose and mineral feeder is full of water

Put a sliver of wood in the hole for the gate hinge. Hopefully it will quit twisting around and letting the gate fall. 

Digger was on a roll this morning, went deliberately over to the roll of irrigation hoses to chew on them 3 times so he’s on a short leash for chore time. 

Had a chopper flying crazy low zigzagging back and forth. Then they started following the power line on the ridge. Not sure what they were doing. 

Baled water off Posie’s pen. 

This area was the first to get perimeter fence and is where Giotto grew up. I was 4’ short of fence so used the pallet. It has stood there almost 9 years. I was very fortunate that Giotto was never a fence climber. 

Fixing tarps over chickens 

Mmmm. Itty Bitty Baby Greenhouse has some issues from yesterday’s wind. 

Fixed up as good as I could get it. I noticed later in the day some other areas that need attention. Will try and get to those tomorrow. 

Little chickens seem ok after being soaked last night when their tin blew off. 

Digger is still on a short leash. Trying to chase chickens. 

Poor little birds back door blew open in the storm Apparently this coop is beginning to come apart.  I couldn’t get the door all the way back like it belongs. Will have to try and figure out what’s going on. 

Working in the old chicken pens in the front yard. I watered this some yesterday plus I got .2” of rain. And look how only the top 1 1/2 - 2” is actually wet. Duh it up and watered some more. 

Continuing to put Midnight’s twins in with Bashful for a couple hours before milking and she has gone from 1/4 cup to 1 1/2. Separating does not take milk from the babies. Milk is supply and demand. The more demand the more the doe’s body will increase supply up to the limits of her genetics, diet and environment.  I will gradually increase separation time until we are at 8-10 hours a day. This will not hurt the kids growth, they are eating plenty of hay now and they will still be able to nurse the rest of the time. 

Did all the usual things like laundry and dishes. Still need to take out some trash. Watered plants.  Thinking about what I’m going to plant in the new spaces out front. Probably greens as it’s partly shaded- kale, collards, mustard, Swiss chard. Chinese greens like pak choy will have to wait for cooler weather. 

Today I appreciate the rain I got and that the wind damage was limited here. 

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