My Edible Garden

I've been gardening for most of my life and have been a devoted fan of organic gardening the whole time. It just makes so much more sense to work in harmony with Mother Nature than to fight her. Besides which it is better for the planet and better for our bodies. Here you can see what I'm planting and harvesting, with gardening hints and resources thrown in for good measure.

Sunday, July 31, 2022

Been Run over by the Crazy Train

Had a lovely day Saturday at the Globe-Miami Farmers Market. 

Market is about 6 miles from my house. In the last 2 miles the temperature dropped from 89°F to 73°F as a large storm came through. 

Got home to find the creek running. 

And that the cattle panels over Posie’s pen had collapsed again. 

Because I got almost an inch of rain. Which is wonderful. 

So this morning I cleared some weeds and brush out of here and took down the roof frame off this old chicken pen. That part wasn’t too bad. 

Then I took the tarps off Posie’s pen and cut all the wire ties holding the two cattle panels. As I was feeding one panel over the fence part of it whacked me on top of the head. 

Then I was on the step ladder outside the pen pulling the second panel over and managed to fall off the stool.  Didn’t hit my head but gonna have some bruises on my hip tomorrow. Then I got the roof frame set up and a new tarp zip tied in place. Just forgot to take a picture of it. 

Posie was checking out her new roof after milking. Goats notice everything!

In the meantime Gazelle also came into heat. To spread out the love I took her over to visit with Bentley for awhile. 

Bentley is a fine looking fellow. 

Now remember Gazelle was one of the “Wild Girls” I bought last year and she hadn’t been for a car ride since I brought her home. While she was a bit hesitant she wasn’t as hard to walk down to the van and load up as I anticipated. Here she’s checking things out. 

And here she’s meeting Bentley. I think there will be some pretty babies coming up in December!

And of course all the usual feeding and watering, dishes and laundry to do. Then off to bed! 

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