My Edible Garden

I've been gardening for most of my life and have been a devoted fan of organic gardening the whole time. It just makes so much more sense to work in harmony with Mother Nature than to fight her. Besides which it is better for the planet and better for our bodies. Here you can see what I'm planting and harvesting, with gardening hints and resources thrown in for good measure.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Where Have I Been?

Goat Milk Lotion

Where have I been? Oh boy! I have been soooo busy this year! I can't even cram the highlights into one post! I have filmed a lot of things around here and they are posted over on my YouTube channel but I will give you a few ideas here.

I started over 500 vegetable and herb seedlings to sell

Digger Dog is still naughty, digging giant holes and breaking fences.

Esmarelda had triplet doelings! April 5, 2024

Learning to make different kinds of cheese. 

Growing vegetables for the farmers market

Making Goat Milk Soap

Dealing with the wildlife and herding them back outside.

So that is just a tiny bit of what's been going on around here. I am going to try to post here more often, but no guarantees!

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