My Edible Garden

I've been gardening for most of my life and have been a devoted fan of organic gardening the whole time. It just makes so much more sense to work in harmony with Mother Nature than to fight her. Besides which it is better for the planet and better for our bodies. Here you can see what I'm planting and harvesting, with gardening hints and resources thrown in for good measure.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

A Quiet Sunday 4/24/2020

Got a roof on the chicken tractor.  Even added a prop to hold the hinged part up when needed. Might go back and add one to my others. 

Moved chicks into it from the brooder coop. Didn’t take them long to start bug hunting. Then I moved other chicks around.  

I don’t know this plant. Growing in one of my pots. Smooth stems but the leaves on the flower stems have prickly on the edges. 

It’s about 3’ tall

I planted some arugula in a half barrel and covered it with fine screen. Will see if that keeps down the flea beetles. 

The chilicoyote squash is starting to take off. I planted forget me nots in the squares of the bricks. 

I planted out some basil and marigolds. 

That squash down there is getting scary. 

Today I appreciated my quiet space. Although there are lots of chicken sounds there is barely any human noise around me. Occasional faint traffic sounds and that’s it. 

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