My Edible Garden

I've been gardening for most of my life and have been a devoted fan of organic gardening the whole time. It just makes so much more sense to work in harmony with Mother Nature than to fight her. Besides which it is better for the planet and better for our bodies. Here you can see what I'm planting and harvesting, with gardening hints and resources thrown in for good measure.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Things are Growing On May 23, 2009

Things are Growing On

The heat wave has been broken by unusually cool and cloudy weather and even some rain. The garden is loving it.
gardenapril09 001Miracle’s sunflower has really grown the last 2 weeks. Compare this pic with the one from May 11th
gardenapril09 006One of my little plant nurseries. These are different kinds of beans & corn sprouting in 2″ soil blocks. I have to keep them covered with a row cover to keep the birds from eating them. The 3 yr old wants to know why I put the plants to bed & cover them with a blanket.
gardenapril09 008Looking through the arch. The poppies are almost done along the fence and will be replaced by mixed sunflowers.
gardenapril09 009The hairy vetch [purple flowers] is almost as tall as the dwarf peach tree.
gardenapril09 010The buckwheat is growing fast, it is even beginning to flower.
gardenapril09 011The tub, in the back, Kabocha squash, in front a canna and some daylillies sprouting.
gardenapril09 013Green tomatoes!
gardenapril09 014A Trombocino squash starts to take off. It’s growing in a 19 gallon tub.
gardenapril09 016Potted potatoes are blooming.
gardenapril09 017More seedlings, top row some herb cuttings and some sorrel. On the bottom shelf are the basil plants that have overwintered in the house.
gardenapril09 018Basella or Malabar spinach seedlings.
gardenapril09 019New Zealand spinach seedlings.
gardenapril09 020Popping sorghum seedlings in the kitchen window. I had to put them in  the house to keep the birds from pulling them up, but now there is a mouse munching on them!
gardenapril09 021Also in the kitchen window, sweet potatoe cuttings rooting in a jar, lima beans sprouting in pots. The green in the background are the tomatoe plants out on the patio.

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